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LightNews - Issue May 2008(光新聞-有關2008年5月)

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Welcome ~

This May has the mark of WONDER - wonderful happenings and energies here to connect us to our true selves, to our most precious heart of awareness. Wishing you many blessings in this month of May. Shine your Light Brightly!

Love and Blessings,
The Editors
Faerlight and Emmanuel


這五月有驚奇的跡象- 在這裡的令人驚奇的事件和能量把我們連結到我們的真實自己,對覺察的我們最寶貴的心。 在五月的這月份內願你收到許多祝福。 明亮地使你的內在的光發亮閃耀!


WOW @ GIVING!!!!!!!!!
Written by Emmanuel

Blessings of love!!!!

I wanted to share with you about an incredible gift that we are all so very blessed with!!! This gift is something many of us already do, but may not fully be aware of. When we are aware and pay attention to this gift, it brings us into the 'NOW/Present' moment and moves us right into the heart!!

This gift we are ALL so blessed with is the act of 'GIVING.' There are so many ways to give! The size of what we give does not matter, as long as we are simply AWARE that we are giving, and are so grateful to do so! We can give in a smile, our time, an ear that listens, holding the door for someone at the store, complimenting someone we don't know, working with charities, bringing the community together by raising money and awareness to help people that are in need, donating our talents, the sky is the limit!!!! more




我想與您分享關於一件難以置信的禮物我們是全部那麼受到祝福!!! 這件禮物已經在某些事情上由多數人這麼做,但可能是被不充分地知道。 當我們知道並且注意這件禮物時,它帶領我們進入『現在/當下』片刻並且心入我們心中!!

這件禮物我們所擁有的,因此祝福的是行動所做的『給予』。 有許多方式給予! 它無關給予的大小,只要我們知道簡單地給予,並且是,很感恩如此做時! 例如我們的微笑,我們的時間,願意給予的傾聽,為某人開門當有人來商店時,為我們不知道的人祝賀,為需要慈善工作,帶來社區通過提高金錢和覺察幫助人民是必須的,貢獻我們的天分,毫無限制!!!! 更多

Message from Isis for You
via Rosalie

I am Isis a Universal Mother to you all and I embrace you as my children , who are in need of some nurturing in one way or another.

There is so much discussion regarding the Earth Changes and Ascension I have decided to fully devote this Message to You , yes, You with all the many selves in the body you inhabit.

The Female aspect ,The Male aspect, the Inner Child Aspect and all the aspects of the different lives you have led previously to this one. All parts of you in this moment,so please my children do not be hard on yourselves if you find the going getting tough , you just need to be tough as you can be in the knowing that we embrace and support you through the process.

Your Inner child needs a lot of nurturing at the moment because of the growth you are going through and it will be bringing up many traumas that a child does go through , and now as you are learning all over again in your birth to your new world which awaits you it needs to hear I love you, I care about you, and I accept you just the way you are. more



非常討論關於我決定充分地致力這則消息針對於您所在地球變化和上昇,是的,您們全部已經習慣於居在在這個身體上面。 女性方面、男性方面、內在小孩方面和不同的生命的所有方面您先前引導到這個合一。 所有部分在這一個片刻,因此我的孩子們不要對你自已嚴格和固執,如果您發現你變的嚴苛時,您只要堅持相信你知道你將會被我們擁抱和支持就可以了。

您的內在孩子需要很多哺育在您經歷的成長中,並且會它提出許多精神創傷孩子經歷,並且現在,當您在您的誕生重新學會對等候您需要聽見我爱你和您新的世界時,我對您關心,並且接受您正在這個方向上做你自已。 更多

Enlightened Contact with Extraterrestrial Intelligence
Posted by Adeon

3PM, WASHTINGTON STATE, USA 31st May 2008. International Voice Conference - Online Conference with James Gilliland - UFO and ET Communitcation.

An unprecedented event is unfolding in a small town known as Trout Lake, Washington. This event has the potential to change the course and destiny of Humanity and the Earth. The people of Earth are being offered a chance to join the rest of the universe in peace.

C5 Contact with spiritually and technologically advanced extra and ultra terrestrial off world visitors which we refer to as the greater family of man has occurred at the home of James Gilliland, known as the Sattva Sanctuary.

In this free online Voice conference hosted by Lightworkers.org, Adeon and James will be discussing what this means for humanity in general, and what the future may hold for all of us. Yes! CONTACT HAS BEGUN. Be sure to join in this event and participate in the open discussion. Ask questions, provide insight. Share, learn and enjoy. more


下午三點, 華盛頓州,美國2008年5月31日。 國際聲音會議-網上會議與詹姆斯吉蘭德 -飛碟和外星人通訊。

一個史無前例的事件在一個小鎮展開在圖奧特湖,華盛頓著名。 這個事件有潛力改變人類和地球功課和命運。 在和平方式提供地球的人民一個機會加入其它宇宙。


在光工作者組織Lightworkers.org主持的這個自由網上聲音會議, 阿東和詹姆斯談論為人類和一般來說的意義,並未來也許是為我們大家舉行。 是的! 聯結接觸已經開始了。 請務必加入這個事件和參加開放式的討論。 問一些問題,提供一些洞見。 分享給大家,學習並且享受它。 更多

Entering the Portal of Spiritual Freedom
Posted by DL Zeta

There is a thoughtform that exists on the Earth plane that thrives in certain levels of consciousness. This is the thoughtform of slavery. There are obvious ways in which this thoughtform manifests itself in your world. In some cases, human beings are literally bought and sold. To those who consider themselves to be living in an enlightened society, these more obvious forms of slavery are not acceptable. Yet even as you may consider this reality far from your daily existence, it swirls all around you, eating at the heart of collective consciousness, a worm constantly reproducing itself in new forms. The bright hope of all the universe is that a new awareness drifting through the dreams of earthly life will take hold and seed freedom within Earth's future history. To assist you in awakening to these new dreams, we will shine the light of awareness on the many ways the thoughtform of slavery infiltrates your world. more

DL 莉塔張貼

在特定水準的意識中繁榮的地球水平上存在的思考形式意識。 這是想法-形式束縛形成。 在你的世界中顯示它本身中有明顯的方法。 在一些情形中,人類不誇張地被收買而且出賣。 對考慮他們自己住在一個被啟發的社會的人,這些個比較明顯形式的束縛不是可以接受的。  然而正當你可能並非你的每日存在正考慮這事實,它搖晃圍繞在你的周圍四處,吃掉內心的集體意識,一條蟲不變地以新的形式再製造它本身。 所有的宇宙的明亮希望是一個漂流過地球生活的夢的新覺察將控制並且播種地球裡面的自由在未來的歷史裡。 為了要協助你對這些新的夢喚醒, 我們將闡明許多方法,來解除束縛思想形式滲透進入你的世界。 更多









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