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  • Please choose a quiet place for your activation and sit quietly.
  • 為你的使冥想啟動順利請選擇一個安靜的地方而且安靜地坐下。 
  • Call in and invoke the presence of all the light masters, archangels and angels and those of the hierarchy of ascended beings to assist and support this activation.
  • 呼喚並且邀請所有的光大師、天使長和天使們的入列和上昇的生命或組織的協助而且支持這一個冥想啟動。
  • Please relax and focus on your breath. Allow your breathing to slow down and gently settle into a gentle and rhythmic breathing. 
  • 請放鬆而且把焦點集中在你的呼吸上。 讓你的呼緩減慢而且逐漸地進入柔和有規律旋律呼吸之內。
  • Focus on your heart. Allow yourself to enter the silence within and become that silence. Take a few minutes to enjoy this silence.
  • 把焦點集中在你的心。 允許你自己進入靜默中在而且裡面變成那靜默。 花數分鐘享受這寧靜。
  • Visualize a pillar of light connecting the heart of Gaia to the heart of Adonai, moving through your heart.
  • 看見並且把蓋婭的心連結到上帝的心的光柱,移動經過你的心。
  • Open your heart and send a golden beam of light radiating from your heart to the central pillar, and from your heart upto God and from your heart to the heart of Gaia. Once you are connected through this golden diamond heart connection, you are creating unity consciousness.
  • 打開你的心而且使一個黃金的光束從你的心放射到中央的柱子,和從你的心向上到上帝和從你的心到蓋婭的心。 一旦你被連接到這個黃金鑽石心連接時,你就正在創造整體哈一意識。
  • Visualize a beautiful and radiant sphere of light all around you.
  • 在你的周圍四處使一個發光美麗光球體能讓大家看得見。
  • This is your light body.
  • 這是就你的光體。 
  • The center of the sphere is aligned with your heart. Its energy extends all the way around your body and moves also all the way inwards to the core of your heart.
  • 球體的中心被和你的心一致。 它的能量也延伸擴展到你的身體周圍的所有的方式而且將對從你的心的核心的全部方向的內部移動中。
  • Fill this sphere of light with the most divine and unconditional love and light from God and Earth into your heart and see this sphere filling up with this love.
  • 將光的這一個球體裝滿神最無條件的愛和光從上帝和地球進入你的心之內而且見到這包涵塞滿這完全的愛。
  • A most radiant Gaiadon Heart manifests in the center of this space, rotating and pulsating.
  • 一顆最發光的 Gaiadon 心在這空間的中心顯現,轉換替換和脈動。
  • Now see the sphere of light transforming into a beautiful hologram of love with the petals forming a perfect flower of love sphere.
  • 現在見到球體光用形成一朵愛球體的完美花的花瓣轉換成一個愛的美麗立體影像。
  • You know that this light body hologram of love is the blueprint of creation. It is your cellular pattern as well the pattern of the universe.
  • 你知道,愛的這個光體立體影像是創造的藍圖。 它恐怕是你的細胞典型宇宙的雛型。
  • Tune into it, sense and feel its softness and its vitality.
  • 調整進入它之內,感覺而且感覺它的柔和和它的活力。
  • Now as you focus upon it, immediately see this Hologram of Love transforming into an amazing Holomatrix of Love, with multiple holograms forming a composite structure representing unity in diversity. 
  • 現在當做你在它之上集中時,立刻見到這一個立體影像愛轉換成愛的令人驚異結晶光球母體,多個立體影像形成代表不同的個體的含有種種要素的結構。 
  • As you re-member your Light body, you also immediately start to draw its infinite wisdom and love and power into your body.
  • 當你記起你的光體,你也立刻開始啟動起它的無窮智慧和愛力量進入你的身體。
  • Sense and feel the love and the light within your being.
  • 感覺而且在你的生命裡面感覺愛和光。
  • As you activate your light body with the most profound unconditional love and divine light frequencies, you sense a total shift in your consciousness.
  • 因為你用最極深的無條件的愛和神的光的頻率刺激你的光體,你在你的意識中感覺全部的變化。 
  • Now you begin the simple activation with a thought intention and one breath.
  • 現在你用一種想法意圖和一呼吸開始簡單的冥想啟動。
  • The breath is one long inhalation through your nose and one long exhalation  through your mouth. This special type of breath gives force to your thought intention, which manifests instantly.
  • 呼吸經過你的嘴經過你的鼻子和一個長的呼氣是一個深長的吸入。 這特別類型的呼吸把力量給你的想法意圖,立即地顯示。
  • Thought intention with breath:
  • 用意圖呼吸:
  • Activate Gaiadon Heart Light Body (Inhale)
    Activate at Unconditional Love / Divine Light Frequeny (Exhale)
  • 啟動 Gaiadon 心光體(吸氣)
  • You bring in the divine vibration of the Aum into your light body.
  • 你帶來嗡Aum 的神聖震動頻率進入你的光體。
  • Chant Aum continuously for the rest of the experience.
  • 為經歷的其它部分不斷地高唱嗡Aum 。
  • You instantly begin to feel your light body beginning to be activated. You may feel the energy in your cells and in your entire physical body. You also experience total unity consciousness as you resonate with all other beings and creation. Enjoy this experience.
  • 你立即地開始感覺你的光體開始被啟動。 你可能在你的細胞和你的整個身體中感覺能量。 當你和所有的其他生命創造共振的時候,你也經歷全部的合一意識。 享受這個經歷。
  • Activate your light body as often as you wish.
  • 啟動你的光體如同你希望那樣地經常如此。
  • Once you have re-membered and activated your light body, you can never lose your connection to it and to the Divine.
  • 一旦你有記起且啟動你的光體,你不能對它和神聖的失去你的連結。
  • The Divine is everywhere, within, and everywhere around you.
  • 神聖是到處都有,在你裡面,並且繞圍你左右。
  • Be Divine. Enjoy your journey.
  • 成為那個神聖。 享受你的旅程。
  • Come, let us enjoy this transformative journey into our highest soul aspects and let us Re-member the true Light that we are!

  • 來,讓我們享受這次轉變進入我們最高的靈魂期待而且讓我們記起真實的光哪一個就是我們的光!

    I am sure that you will enjoy this amazing sharing from Spirit, as we join our Light forces together on our onward ascension journey, as we prepare to co-create a planet free from limitation, into a planet of freedom, and love and peace and unity. This is the time, that we re-commit ourselves to our divine contract, and to serve Gaia and humanity in the best possible way. Let us walk together, Dearest Ones of Light, on this spectacular journey, as we share the joy in the Re-turn of the Light upon this graceful planet of ours.

    Infinite Love and Light,


我確定,你將享受來自靈性的這一令人驚異的分享,因為我們在我們的向前上升旅程上一起參加我們的光之軍隊,因為我們對共同準備創造從限制轉變到自由的行星,進入自由的行星、愛與和平和合一之內。 這是時間,我們再次承諾對我們自已神聖契約,和在最好的可能方法中為蓋婭和人類服務。 讓我們一起走,親愛的合一的光,在這次公開展示的旅程上,因為我們分享歡喜在那回歸的光充滿在這我們這個優美行星地球之上。



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台長: ☆華哥★
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