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2004-11-25 16:35:06| 人氣55| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

The God Damn Applied linguistics!

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Well..Today we are all feel angry about YOU! The Damn teacher! Why are you always so subjective and dogmatic that you interrupt us when the ideas are agaist to yours instead of listening to our opinions completely and giving comments?! Today's topic is reading, and after Faith and Meggie's presentation, we discussed "what is good reading"?? and "are good readers also good writers"?? You asked us to say something,
to speak out our ideas. However,from my perspective, though not experts as you, we just express our viewpoints even if we are in the Wrong Track!
We just shared thoughts with the view to gaining more knowledge and to avoiding to be subjective! Why? Why? Why? You always interrupt us???
I consider you take the course" Educational Pyschology" to know more about what students think and need... Damn...I cannot help myself saying four-letter-word!
OK...you are an expert and the best in this field...shit!....

台長: 萊恩
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全站分類: 心情日記(隨筆、日記、心情手札)

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