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2005-10-23 23:32:49| 人氣58| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

the legend -- Taroba and Naipi

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The most engaging legend tells of a young Indian couple, Taroba and Naipi. Taroba loved the bearuigul Naipi with all his heart. Only one thing marred their happiness—Naipi was blind. One day, the couple took a walk through the valley of butterflies, adjacent to the river. As they walked, Taroba kept up a constant monologue describing the beautiful sights to Naipi. When they came to a hill overlooking the river, Taroba paused for a long time searching for words to describe the sight before them. Finally, he lamely described it as “I-guassu,”a great water. Despair at her lack of sight forced Naipe to let out an anguished cry. Taroba walked away from her to the edge of the river. Staring into the foamy waters, Taroba pleaded with the river god to give Naipi sight. Suddenly, an earthquake ripped open the ground, forming a deep gorge in the river bed and creating the falls. And Naipi could see it all—but Taroba,for the earthquake had claimed his life. Now when the moon is full, it is said that one can hear the painful cry of Naipi hoping for her loved one’s return.

Sacrificing one’s life to achieve his or her loved one’s goal is a great way to present the love without saying a word.

台長: ㄚ春和阿華
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