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2008-07-25 12:57:55| 人氣248| 回應1 | 上一篇

Night After Night 雷斯魔

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Heaven sent you to bring the answer
Heaven sent you to cure this cancer
But for a moment unbeatable chance
For a moment the world in my hands

Like an angel you came
Everytime when I pray
Guardian in my dreams
Watching me when I sleep
Like an angel you came
Everytime when I screamed

Time after time I lose again
Night after night I wake up shaking
Cause my world is breaking

Fool enough to fail again
Night after night I wake up crying
Cause I feel like dying

Still disconnected
And now protected
Still I'm haunted
But unwanted
But for a moment
Unbreakable stars
For a moment
You stayed in my arms

Like an angel you came
Everytime when I pray
Guardian in my dreams
Watching me me when I sleep
Like and angel you came
Everytime when I scream

Time after time I lose again
Night after night I wake up shaking
Cause my world is breaking

Fool enough to fail again
Night after night I wake up crying
Cause I feel like dying

Time after time I lose again
Night after night I wake up shaking
Cause my world is breaking

Fool enough to fail again
Night after night I wake up crying
Cause I feel like dying

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