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2009-03-02 14:46:28| 人氣86| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

march 1st crazy at mall PS: i am a HERO!

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i and heyound went to mall today!!!

that was so much fun!!!!!!!

she has to work on saturday and supposes to go to church on sunday til 2 o clock!!!

so we got a plan after her church pray!

her dada came to get me!!!!!~

because she went late

so i wore contact lenses!!!haha~it wont hurt me anymore!!!haha~~~ ^~^

anyway!!! i found out heyoung is a "silly" girl...

and she has a "similar" personality as me....

our "memories" are extremely...horrible....

we were talking about earrings..and i told her "clair" has more cute earrings!!!

so she gave up the one she just saw...and we went to clair...

and.....................after 5 min. (we were talking on the way to the clair..)

she turned face to me and asked me with a "confused" face...

"where are we going?!"

"um?! what?! did we just say we are going somewhere?!"

a a a a ~!~~~yeh...we are going clair to get earrings...(neither of us remember...= =)

we just like "what the..." (stupid...>"<)


ok!~~~then we went to JCPenny, she got one t shirt

then we left! in front of the JCPenny, they have a place for kids to play, when their mom are shopping!

we saw a kid is like "1 or 2 years old "or something!!!

he was walking straight without parents!!!

isnt that crazy...?!

me and heyoung kept following him!!

after we found out something wrong, i stopped that kid

and put him on the bench, i asked him where's ur mom?

...then...my reply is" 一一啊啊"...>"<

he cannot talk....?! OH..............MY.........GODNESS @ @"

he almost walks like 5 mins.

and he keep pointing that his mom is in mancy....

but he was from JCPenny!!! something wrong....

so i held him, me and heyoung walked back to the kids place

hope we could find his parents...

ok..this time, i aksed him where's his mom?

(mom?! mami?! mamam? mother?!)

anyway....this time he point JCPenny......= =

(ok......... we figure out he totally doesnt know where his parents is!!!!!)

suddenly, a guy came up! and called little kid's name!!

but his dad didnt say thank you or something...

we just like...ok..fine...and said bye bye to the kid

and left...

how could he do that?! we found his kid....

but my godness!!! the kid is safe now >W<

he is so cute!!! im glad that we found his dad!!!

what if he missing!!!that's sad...

i did a good thing today!!! soooooo happy!!

me and heyoung started missing that kid after we left.......

kid is like a angle~~~hehe~~~cute, lovely and childlike!!!!

the most wonderful gift on the earth ^ ^

happy happy happy~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~multiple 100000000000000~~~


wish i will succee tmr....for my first aid "teaching"


台長: rebecca12163
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