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2009-02-05 08:55:37| 人氣112| 回應2 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

happy day!!

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hey~~~im so happy today!!!

all day!!!

i woke up at 6am today!

then coffee called me!!!he said "jiao jiao" would call me too!!

so i let him cut the phone and waited for "jiao jiao"

=  =  know what! i was brushing my teeth...and "jiao jiao" called...

i just like..."ok...fine..."stop brushing...and talked!!!

haha~its so fun!!!they callled me from china!!!

i just wanna say "i love u guys!"(move.....;)  )


ok~then i took the bus and went to school!~~~



we had new skill need to learn!!

bleeding.....that was so...scared...(and  i will never be a nurse!)

we used bandage to stop bleeding...and i was planning not practice today....

but somebody asked me to practice with!!!!haha~so happy~

after that!!!we just sat on the floor and chated!!haha~



Jackie and me talked like ..1 hour....

and i told her..i was afraid to talk to american...

so she is lucky~(just kidding..haha)

she is so friendly ~

though...she is a freshman...but she just like my elder sister...= =

she told me..she thought i might just finished my middle school...>"<



oh~yeh~i stayed at school today!!!cuz im planning to join the track!!!

chi-chun think that is a great idea to make more friends and exerice!!!!

(we wont getting fatter!!!)

so after school~me and heyoung went to the meeting~!!!

sein stuck in front of the meeting room....

she was afraid....in fact..me too..

whole bunch of people inside....i was forced....a crazy girl pushed me!!!!!!

anyway....i chose sprint...if i found out that im not like before...i will change to the obstacle race!!!

jessica was in there too~sein is going to join that!


that was so funny!!!!

we sat behind jamie's table!!!

he didnt know that ~

after he turned around!!!his face just like "what r u doing here?! (WTH) "

cuz when we were in the same class, he asked me to join track!

but i thought that was toooo tired for me!!and i dont wanna stay at school and walk home everyday!!

also we have practice on saturday!!

my gosh!

that is weekend!!!i dont wanna go!!


but now i realized my weight is running so fast...

and i have to make more friends and practice my english!!!

so..i decided to go with heyoung and sein~

(im crazy....)



i still confused what i need to do next!

i may better go to ask jamie!!!

he must know how!!

he was in track before!



after meeting, me and heyoung walked back home..

thats so tired!!! we talked~laughed~grumbled~hit

then we went to alberson to get gum~haha~i love gum ^ ^

but no CINNAMON!


hope everyday will be like today!

homework time.....>"<




台長: rebecca12163
人氣(112) | 回應(2)| 推薦 (0)| 收藏 (0)| 轉寄
全站分類: 不分類 | 個人分類: US--be an exchange student |
此分類下一篇:today had a bad mood...
此分類上一篇:2009/2/3 in usa



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