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2008-12-09 08:47:29| 人氣85| 回應3 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

little buddies~

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i love my little buddies!!!!

fell in love with them~not kidding ^^

they r pretty cute!!!

then i want to introduce my buddies to u guys!!!

Kohlgen --- he is so cute and smart. today was the first day i met my little buddies! he was the only boy in my team that i have responsibility to take care!  after he arrived, i just like a teacher~hehe. i need to talk to his mom and introduced myself.   and u know what?!he is good boy. the first 30 min., he was so shy. we played "hoho cherry" ..he tought me = =  after that, we listened to the teacher and followed the specific station~then he pushed my hand and sat on my leg~ he is cute, isnt he?!also he can say every letter that u point! and he is good at painting~so awsome~~~~~~

kniara and zhana--- they r twins. but i still can not recognize them......but i will try~haha. they r kind of outgoing...they like pink~and they like draw, too. they have imagination. but i dont really know them~ but just the first day! i will try!!!

Camille --- she has curly hair and big big eyes ^^ that's cute~but she is shy...she is the first kids we met. she like pink ~hehe(all the girls like pink~just like my little hostsister~) she listened to us. not a trouble maker ^^ we painted and made the snow ball. though she was the last one, she still waited for me to teach her~~~she is so cute >w< 

these 4 like r my little buddies ~~~~~hope we will have a lot of fun in the class~~~

i still cant read their name....i alway say"hey.." 

and i need to see their tag when i was writing their name.......

teacher said last trimaster, we have a high school student spelt wrong name of their little buddies...

then the parent got mad and called back to school....is that a big deal..?!

i dont think so!! just a mistake.....

i will try to spell correctly....... 


台長: rebecca12163
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haha~ sound that it a good starting!
u have 4 cute little kids now~
it’s sound they r all good kids, not like my brother!
hope u can remember their name soon and become a good teacher!
2008-12-09 21:17:28
I think is become a good mom..
and that true!!!!
2008-12-10 07:23:10
2008-12-14 15:24:27
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