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2008-12-08 04:04:50| 人氣97| 回應3 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

christmas preparing ^^

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this several days, oregon still rain but no snow....

many exchange student have already had snow there.....but me...so sad......

i found out that i still waste my exchange students' time......i need to study hard and practice more english...

so i decided to type in english from now on!!!!!isnt that a big deal?

i need to make sure english is using all the time in my rest days!

so remind me when i write in chinese!!!!!! i need to have more pressure!!!!!



christmas~i love christmas now^^

its so awsome!!!we decorated the christmas tree this weekend!!!

this is a pic.

my hostmom has many decoration stuff. downstair ..we have a room

when she has something need to make, she will stay at her secret room~hehe

she is just like a professional person who make high quality gift!!!

all the expert must have tools, specific paper, stamp(all the cabinet), package etc.

isnt that awsome!!!!!!



this weekend, i just broke my laptop....

i...droped the laptop from my upper berth to the floor.....

at that moment, my heart hurt.....(crashing....)

deeply.......then i went to bed...

next day~i forgot every thing bout last night..i broke the laptop...

then i used msn to talk to my mom...and everything is being weird!!!

the voice...just intercept....again and again....suck!!!!


its remind me....last night i just droped my ducky....

omgns........almost cry.......

then i went upstaire and asked for help...my hostdad is a support computer!!!that means he is a expert >w<

after he knew what happened...and he just said....omgns...ur just so lucky...

ur computer still can turn on........= =

thats pretty coool!!!!

i just .....>"<

then we testing again and again.....

anyway...though there have many noise when i was talking in the msn...

but still can work...

my love my ducky..i will protect u from now on!!!!!

no worries^^

台長: rebecca12163
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that’s interestin!!!
ur pic...that little girl
she is cute!!!!!haha

and ur laptop...broken= =
is that coz last time u so angry
so...u hit...and then broken...
um.....maybe....think so...ha~~
anyway....good christmas!!!
2008-12-08 18:37:53
yep..she is so cute..but sometimes annoyed= =
and my laptop...yep....deeply hurt mt heart...
i didnt angry at that time...but actually i said some bad word when i saw my laptop was lying on the floor!!
merry christmas ^^
2008-12-09 08:19:36
haha~christmas time is coming~
it’s really fun and glad holiday on Xmas abroad!
u will probably have a happy Xmas time!!
don’t forget to tell me want happen in your Xmas holiday!!
i really expect!! hehe~
2008-12-08 20:29:44
hehe~yep merry christmas^^
hope u will have a good time in celebrating the christmas^^
i will tell u !!!~
2008-12-09 08:20:34

2008-12-14 15:08:55
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