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”Ally McBeal (news - Y! TV),” the Emmy-winning TV series that set feminists spinning with its depiction of a flighty, man-hungry attorney, is ending its five-year run on Fox, the network said.

Creator David E. Kelley made the announcement on the set Wednesday.

”There were tears. It was emotional,” said Chris Alexander, a spokesman for 20th Century Fox Television. The final episode of the series, which had slipped in the ratings, will air May 20.
「片場裡情緒激動,還有人落淚。」二十世紀福斯電視製作部(ALLY MCBEAL的母公司)的發言人說。最後一集將在五月二十日播出,為這個收視日漸下滑的影集畫上句點。

”It’s sad to say goodbye to something you love, even when perhaps it is time,” Kelley said in a statement.

Calista Flockhart starred as Ally, a smart but emotionally needy lawyer who focused as much on her love life as her case load. With her biological clock ticking, she was bedeviled by an image of a dancing baby.
Calista Flockhart飾演ALLY,一個聰穎但在情感需求強烈的律師,愛情生活與律師生涯對她而言一樣重要。當ALLY的生理時鐘響起警告的鈴聲時,她甚至還有個幻想中的跳舞娃娃來苦苦糾纏。

”Ally McBeal” became a hot water-cooler topic. In 1998, a Time cover displayed Flockhart opposite feminist icons such as Susan B. Anthony and asked in its headline: ”Is Feminism Dead?”
「艾莉的異想世界」一推出便很快成為辦公室茶水間裡的熱門話題。1998年,時代雜誌的特別報導將Calista Flockhart 與知名女性主義者如Susan B. Anthony並列於封面上,斗大的標題提出疑問:「女性主義已死?」

The actress took exception.

”I mean, this is a comedy about an exaggerated character, and to compare her to Susan B. Anthony is outrageous,” she told TV Guide at the time. She also said she was offended that people confused her with her neurotic character.
「我認為,這是一部將角色性格誇張描繪的喜劇,把ALLY與Susan B. Anthony放在同一天平上相互比較,簡直荒謬。」Calista對電視指南如此表示。她也曾經說過,她對於人們將她個人與ALLY這個角色混為一談感到氣憤。

McBeal’s colleagues at her fictitious Boston law firm were equally quirky. One man had a fetish for throat wattles; another went by the embarrassing name of ”The Biscuit.”

Kelley, one of Hollywood’s most prolific TV writer-producers, had a hand in creating most of the scripts. The show reflected his offbeat, often dark sense of humor and romance. It won the best comedy series Emmy in 1999.
DEK──好萊塢作品最豐富的電視編劇兼製作人之一──負責編寫本劇大部份的劇本,ALLY MCBEAL呈現出他作品中不落俗套的一面,充滿黑色幽默與浪漫情懷。本劇曾贏得1999年艾美獎最佳喜劇影集。

He had characters break out in courtroom song, had Ally visit with her dead boyfriend and generally created a world where fantasy, if not happy endings, ruled.

McBeal’s great love was portrayed by Robert Downey Jr. (news - web sites), whose own real-life troubles with drugs led to his departure from the show.

Musical stars were also a fixture of the show, with Elton John, Barry White, Barry Manilow, Mariah Carey and others making guest appearances.
音樂界巨星於本劇中的客串也成為ALLY MCBEAL的一大特色,包括Elton John, Barry White, Barry Manilow, Mariah Carey等人都曾經於劇中以真實身份表演過。

Kelley, a former Boston lawyer who is married to actress Michelle Pfeiffer, told the AP last fall that he knew the character-driven ”Ally McBeal” was a more perishable commodity than his other legal series, the more plot-oriented ”The Practice” on ABC.
DEK──前波士頓律師與知名女演員Michelle Pfeiffer的老公──曾經在美聯社去年秋天的訪談中提到,他了解ALLY MCBEAL是一齣以角色性格發展為主的戲,比起他所製作的另一齣以法律案件為劇情主軸的影集「律師本色」(THE PRACTICE),自然容易陷入死胡同中。

”I always thought the series would end after six years,” he said then.
「我總是認為ALLY MCBEAL應該在六年的製播後下檔。」

Fox and Kelley decided against another year as the ratings fell. The show, which once scored close to the top 20, recently finished 43rd in the ratings.
福斯電視網與DEK在ALLY MCBEAL目前已下滑的收視狀況下,決定不再製播新一季。這影集的收視曾高達前二十五名(PRIME TIME),最近的排名則為四十三名。

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