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2006-03-02 00:02:41| 人氣99| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

culture exchange program?

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It’s a culture exchange program.

You can come to US for 1 year to take care of kids for a family, and you get to live in that family.

and you make some money watching the kids..

it’s really good, you also get money to go to study English.

you should do it when you finish college.

it’s not really for long term study..

you are here only 1 yera or up to 2 years.. you only get to take 1 class each semester.

it’s good for your English and you get to live in the US for 1 to 2 years.


= =~我姊對我說了這些

我還是不太懂什麼是culture exchange program


不用考托福是個好處= =a

幫我姊帶小孩不知道有沒有錢可以拿= =a


>>>>>美國人ˊˊ幫我解釋culture exchange program <===這個吧


台長: oFe(¯(∞)¯)
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