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2006-08-23 13:29:14| 人氣16| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

]]]ˋ///* 愛情40句

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1. I love you. 我愛你(妳)

2. Please remember me forever.  勿忘我

3.I like you. 我喜歡你(妳)

4. You’re my only love.  你(妳)是我的唯一

5. I’am in bad mood.  我心情不好

6. I’m so touched.  我好感動喔

7. Do you feel better?  你(妳)心情好點了嗎?

8. Do you know that I’m missing you?  你(妳)知道我在想你(妳)嗎?

9. You are my greatest love.  你(妳)是我今生最愛

10. I love you more and more.  我越來越愛你(妳)了

11.I will love you forever.  我會愛你(妳)一輩子

12. No need to say sorry for love.  愛不用說抱歉

13. All care about is you.  全世界我只在乎你(妳)

14. I need your understanding.  我需要你(妳)的諒解

15. I’m your friend forever. 我是你永遠的朋友

16. You perfect in my mind.  在我心中你(妳)是如此完美

17.Thanks for having ever loved me. 謝謝你(妳)曾經愛過我

18. Could you please give me a hint?  你(妳)能給我一點暗示嗎?

19. I’m mad about our breaking up.  分手後,我夜夜夜狂

20. Do we really break up?  我們真的分手了嗎?

21. It’s kind of happiness to have someone to think of.  有人可想念也是種幸福

22. Put your head on my shoulder whenever you feel like crying.

23.A Valentine’s Day without you is the end of the world.
  沒有你(妳)的情人節, 難過 !

24. To love you is that right choice in my life.

25.A Valentine’s Day without you is all right for me.
  沒有你(妳)的情人節, 照過 !

26.To leave you is my hardest decision to make.

27. Perfect women=Tenderness + a little Termagant.

28.Your my warmest fireplace in the cold night.

29.Needles to care about the time as long as we’ve been through this together.

30.Even the most beautiful flowers is nothing compared with your smile.

31. 100% Lover, Happy Valentine’s Day.

32. Let’s spend a sweet Valentine’s Day together every year.

33. If there exists a deadline for love, mine for you is forever.

34. You’re a endless painfulness in my heart.

35. Yor’re a needle, I’m a thread, needle & thread are a pair.

36. My dear friend, we’re in the same boat on Valentine’s Day.

37. My ture love for you is everlasting like a diamond.

38. Don’t forget to give me a gift even if it’s our last Valentine’s Day.

39. Valentine’s celebration is nothing to me. A good friend’s happiness is something important.

40. Break up, it’s not because I don’t love you, but for that I don’t know how to love you more.

台長: 豚 = Tun ♥
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