右起 鼓手 Will 主唱 Chris 貝斯手 Guy 吉他手 Jon
(Guy感覺好不像 是因為鬍子刮的太乾淨嗎?還是..?)
Coldplay 怎麼那麼好聽
Chris唱歌真的是神經病耶 好像在自己的世界裡那樣..
但是還是好好聽喔 哈哈哈哈
White shadows的live
哈哈 但整首歌都好正點喔
但每個都很吵 每場都是全場大合唱 又都是遠距離的
遠看chris唱歌 還像是個正常人
其實就算他唱起歌來像神經病 但他還是帥勁100
well.. yes!

White Shadows
When I was a young boy
I tried to listen
And I wanna feel like that
Little white shadows
Blink and glisten
Part of a system I am
If you ever feel like
something’s missing
Things you’ll never understand
Little white shadows
Sparkle and glisten
Part of a system plan
All the smiles are waking up
All the space I’m taking up
Oh the sun is breaking up
Maybe you get what you wanted
Maybe you stumbled upon it
Everything you ever wanted
In a permanent state
Maybe you go and you see it
Maybe if you say it, you’ll mean it
And when you find that you keep me
In a permanent state ...a permanent state
When I was a young boy
I tried to listen
Don’t you wanna feel like that?
You’re part of the human race
All of the stars and the outer space
Part of the system plan
All the smiles are waking up
All the space I’m taking up
I cannot hear you breaking up
Maybe you get what you wanted
Maybe you stumbled upon it
Everything you ever wanted
In a permanent state
Maybe you go and you see it
Maybe if you say it, you’ll mean it
And when you find that you keep me
In a permanent state ...a permanent state..
I swear I’m only seeing faces
Tired of the human races
Oh, answer now is what I need
See it in a new sun rising
See it break on your horizon
Oh, come on love, stay with me