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2004-05-24 20:47:52| 人氣80| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

walking on clouds

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己所不欲,勿施於人 Do not do unto other
孤注一擲 put all one's eggs into one basket
一塌糊塗 a kettle of fish
目中無人 too big for one's boots
本末倒置 put the cart before the horse
同甘共苦 through thick and thin
多此一舉 carry coals to Newcastle
充耳不聞 turn a deaf car
危在旦夕 hang by a thread
班門弄斧 teach one's grandmother to suck eggs
同舟共濟 in the same boat
自作自受 stew in one's own juice
自吹自擂 blow one's own trumpet
江河日下 go to the dogs
自討苦吃 ride for a fall
如願以償 bring home the bacon
忍氣吞聲 eat humble pie
改過自新 turn over a new leaf
兩全其美 the best of both worlds
直言不諱 call a spade a spade
孤注一擲 put all one's eggs into one basket
洋洋得意 walking on clouds
赴湯蹈火 go through fire and water
飽食終日 eat one's head off
茅塞頓開 the scales fall from one's eyes
垂頭喪氣 with one's tail between one's legs
破釜沉舟 burn one's boats
害群之馬 black sheep
骨瘦如柴 as lean as a rake
朝三暮四 blow hot and cold
渾水摸魚 fish in troubled waters
進退維谷 up a gun-tree
畫蛇添足 paint the lily
憂心如焚 eat one's heart out
焚膏繼晷 burn the midnight oil
腹背受敵 between the devil and the deep blue sea
瞭如指掌 have something at one's fingers' ends
覆水難收 the die is cast
穩操勝券 have the ball at one's feet
隨心所欲 wind someone round one's finger
爛醉如泥 see pink elephants
戶樞不蠹 a rolling stone gathers no moss

台長: ``Erika``
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全站分類: 心情日記(隨筆、日記、心情手札)

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