Keep going straght!(向前走!)
There have a village...(那裡有個小村落...)
Wait a moment!(等一下!)
My head start to plan...(我的頭開始痛了...)
Do you feel something strange!(你不覺得很奇怪嗎!)
Yes!they alredy watch us all day...(是阿!他們已經盯著我們一整天了...)
Please don’t use your imagine!(請別用你們的想像!)
Give us a plessure message...(給我們壓力訊息...)
All people’s eyes on our face!(所有人的眼光都在我們臉上!)
What a impolite face...(多麼不禮貌的臉...)
Put plessure on our lives!(在我們的生活施加壓力!)
Are you really want we death? (你們真的想逼死我們嗎?)
Do you think I really wanna like that(你以為我真的想那樣嗎)
If I really not like that(如果我不是的話)
Memoies must be change I guess.(我猜回憶就一定不一樣了吧)
Sorry but the truth won’t be!(抱歉事實改變不了!)
Yes! I am a gay man!(是阿我是同志!)
Fine,I just wanna do my best(好吧,我只是想做好自己)
Hope you will really understand(希望你真的能了解)
Thorugh it won’t change my mind.Understand!(雖然它不影響我的決定.懂嗎!)
If all pepople can’t understand(如果所有人都不懂)
I don’t wanna run away(我也不想逃)
Gay culture is not hard to understand(同志文化並不難了解)
Why you always don’t want to listen(為什麼你們總是不想聽)
By you(你們)
It’s just hard to me.(讓我覺得更困難)
Let your eyes leaving me away.(讓你們的眼神離我遠點)
Get out of my head.(滾出我的腦袋)
But please listen to me.(但是請聽我說)
It’s fine to me.(我過的很好)
Through sometimes feel a little plan.(雖然有時覺得有點痛)
It won’t make me fell.(但它不至於讓我跌倒)
Do you all hear it!(你們聽到了嗎!)