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2007-04-26 19:04:48| 人氣54| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Because of You

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Because of you, honey
many things turn out to be so beautiful.
That not a day or night will pass
when you are not on my side.
That no matter where you are
if you are near or if you are far.
Your heart belongs to me.

Because of you, honey
I sometimes wonder how I ever
made it without you in my life
And know for sure that I dont
ever want to live that way again.

Me, not as brave as you thought.
because of you,
I walked out the cloud and face the truth.
if you want to be alone,
that is not my right to say no,
but if you dont, let me be the one to love you again.

My fault to made you down,
My fault to let you cry,
My fault for you to be scared.
It’s time for me to look, look in to the real.
that stuck in my mind is actually not my past,
but you.

I dont know what will come further, but
This love will grow strongly,
This smile wont be fake,
This power will be real,
This man in front of you is me,
Because of you.

台長: prislung
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