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2007-01-21 20:39:46| 人氣374| 回應1 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

椎名林檎 & 齋藤NEKO & 椎名純平---世界的盡頭

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以下文字轉自mtv http://www.mtvchinese.com/Music/Release/Regional/200701/15/5796.html

自2003年11月25日發行的單曲〈蘋果之歌〉以來,睽違3年再度以椎名林檎名義發表的全新單曲!於2007年春季公開上映電影《煙花夢》(土屋安娜主演.蜷花實花導演)裡,椎名林檎首次擔任電影音樂監督,該曲即為電影片尾曲。由自出道以來就一直合作的齋藤NEKO擔任編曲與指揮,並與高達70人的交響樂團陣容,交織出波瀾萬丈的襯底音樂。並特邀林檎的哥哥椎名純平助陣一同合唱。林檎式的獨特嗓音與純平溫暖的歌聲加上絢爛的Big Band音色,融合出令人驚豔的華麗風格!

一開始 我毫不猶豫的先入為主以為它是日文歌
直到後來 我看到了mv 奇怪 怎麼我聽的懂歌詞
才發現 根本大部分是英文
日文我聽的董 殺唷納拉 哈機ㄇㄟ媽西ㄉㄟ
如下 (日文系的可以出馬一下嗎_雖然有的日文不見了)
**特別感謝我轉歌詞的無名小站 1子**

mv ( youtube 無所不能?

椎名林檎x斎藤ネコ+椎名純平 - この世の限り

もしも果てた見えたなら どうやって笑うか 楽しいもんか
そして また新しく出逢えれば素晴らしい
さよなら はじめまして

But still my dear if the end draws near where you’ll tack to?
If you hold me tight I’d feel alright but still be blue
But if the song were to play just for us for a moment
To take your heart take away
Well than I’ll say I made the song for you
Nothing grew old and nothing grew new
Sing to the light of day
You’ll smile for me we’ll be happy that way

Just turn away and take this point of view
Nothing is old and nothing is new
When you look at me and say I forget you

If you and me were we should be when the sun goes out
To face the light but I fear the night might come along
And if we question the pier from the past of a moment
Smiles and the laughter and the tear
That when I say I made the song for you
Nothing’s too old and nothing’s too new
to the light of day
You’ll smile for me we’ll be happy that way
Turn away and take this point of view
Nothing is old and nothing is new
When you look at me and say nice to meet you

Would you mind if I stay
If I stay?

我最愛這兩句了 哈

Well than I’ll say I made the song for you
Nothing grew old and nothing grew new

台長: 小小眼
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