《中英對照讀新聞》Black lab drives owner’s car into river 黑拉布拉多犬將飼主的車開入河裡
Bad dog. Charlie the black lab drove his owner’s car into the Pend Oreille River. As Mark Ewing walked home after returning from picking up a pizza, Charlie jumped into the car through an open window, and apparently knocked the vehicle into gear.
"He somehow got the car into neutral," Ewing said. "My car just went boom, down an incline and into the drink."
Ewing could only watch as his Chevy Impala sank into the river. Charlie jumped out of the window as the car went downhill. "There’s nothing weirder than looking at your car cruising down your driveway when you’re not in it and seeing your dog jump out and then watching your car go splash," Ewing said.
Actually, things got a little weirder when the tow truck driver showed up.
Before the driver dove into the water to hook the car up to his truck, he asked Ewing to hold his dentures. "My car’s in the drink, I’ve got dentures in my hand and this guy Keith…goes swimming," Ewing noted.
pick up︰有拾起、以車接人、學會(知識)等意,在此指買到,例句︰My mother picked up some fine dresses on sale.(我母親買到一些拍賣的好衣服。)
gear︰指車子的排檔,get into gear意即車子順利打檔啟動,引申為進入狀況,例句︰Once they got into gear, their performance really impressed us. (他們一進入情況,表現真的令我們印象深刻。)
in the drink︰墜入水中。例句︰He fell into the drink. (他墜海。)