《中英對照讀新聞》iGasm sex toy has Apple irate「愛高潮」情趣玩具惹惱蘋果公司
Apple is threatening legal action after sex shop Ann Summers launched a device entitled the ’iGasm’.
成人用品商Ann Summers推出一款名為「iGasm」(愛高潮)的情趣裝置後,蘋果公司揚言採取法律行動。
Sold for $60, ’iGasm’ sends a vibrating beat from any music player into your underwear. The advert reads:"This genius little device hooks up to your iPod, MP3 player, laptop or CD player and vibrates in sync with the beat."
The adverts use the same silhouette figures as Apple, however with a white cord leading inside the figure’s underwear.
Apple’s executives are upset about the new sex toy, because ’iGasm’ is being marketed using the trademark Apple Silhouette and white headphones, which could easily be mistaken for an official iPod advert.
While Apple has demanded the offending posters be removed from the chain stores nationwide, Ann Summers’ boss Jacqueline Gold seems reluctant to bow to the pressure. "Perhaps I can send them an iGasm to put a smile back on their faces!" she said.
蘋果公司已要求侵權海報從全美連鎖店中拿下,不過Ann Summers老闆賈桂琳.高德似乎不願向壓力低頭。「也許我可以送一台iGasm給他們,讓他們重拾笑容」,她說。
silhouette:名詞(淺色背景上的)黑色輪廓像;剪影。當動詞則為「使現出輪廓」。例句:There was a line of bald trees silhouetted against the horizon.(在地平線上現出一排光禿禿的樹。)
in sync with:與…同步。 sync意指「時間上的一致」;(電視、電影)聲音畫面同步。
laptop:膝上型輕便電腦,也就是筆記型電腦(notebook)。例句︰Laptop is suitable for use on planes.(膝上型電腦適合飛機上使用。)