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2007-02-14 11:08:56| 人氣106| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

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Dear Mon

Though we are distant, but your words always give me sweet.
When I am sad or in suffering, only you could make me brave and gave me more power.
I think nobody can replace you in my mind.
You live in my heart and I am out of my control, missing you all the time.
I want to say” You are my whole world”, but that is too over.
You are essential to me just like the sunshine is essential to sunflower.
To me, the shine is from you, not me. Because it is you are my love.
Happy Valentine’s Day! My dear.♥

When I finished the love letter, it was AM: 1:00 now.
Although it is so hard to me, I have your countenance in mind.
I’m smile.

Your sunflower,

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