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2009-02-19 14:13:02| 人氣95| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Fine Young Cannibals

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Fine Young Cannibals(Cannibals字典為:食人族)




<She Drives Me Crazy>

By Fine Young Cannibals(The Raw and the Cooked(1989)


I cant stop
The way I feel
Things you do
Dont seem real
Tell you what I got in mind
cause were runnin out of time
Wont you ever set me free?
This waitin rounds killin me

She drives me crazy
Like no one else
She drives me crazy
And I cant help myself

I cant get
Any rest
People say
Im obsessed
Everything thats serious lasts
But to me theres no surprise
What I have, I knew was true
Things go wrong, they always do

She drives me crazy
Like no one else
She drives me crazy
And I cant help myself

I wont make it,
On my own
No on likes,
To be alone

She drives me crazy
Like no one else
She drives me crazy
And I cant help myself

Uh huh huh

She drives me crazy
Like no one else
She drives me crazy
And I cant help myself

Uh huh huh

She drives me crazy
Like no one else
She drives me crazy
And I cant help myself


台長: 政瑋
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