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2009-04-24 00:14:07| 人氣70| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

for you, the special you

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I write down my first paper for you, the special you.

I want you to know how special you mean to me and how much I love you.

I remember the first day we met. Do you remember?


We met on the bus, and I felt that you just like a bitch.


You talked loudly and had no temperament.


But the weirdest thing is I didn’t hate you.


However I wanted to know you.


So weird, isn’t it?


Then we talked. That is our first contraction.


I think the most reasonable cause why I love you is there are too much miracles between us.


Lots of people have chance to meet others who have the same birthday with them.


But people don’t have nearly chance to meet someone was born at the same minute with them.


However I met you who was born at the same minute with me.


That is a miracle for me.


The second is we both love pink and we always love the same things and do the same



Then we took part in the same club and became partners.


Now you always know what I am thinking before I tell you.


We love each other very much.


We are friends, families, and lovers.


The difference is our love will never change forever.


Above is our story and I will write down everything between you, me, and the other three girls.


That our eighteen. We will remember it for whole life.


That is our “sexy and the Kaohsiung city.”


台長: 薇薇
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