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2006-12-18 23:20:45| 人氣66| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

今日走過千里路 (Sun)

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2006.12/17 (Sun)

I woke up early and in 西門 at pm1’o clock
it seemed to be a little long time that i haven’t went to there
Exactully,i was lost in this big MRT for a while

hum...i was made anger at 瘟疫 that because he was late
that’s so shocking.

The cold weather froze him & me.
but no matter how cold it was
we also walked around at all

some time i felt he was really something.
to whisper to each other
his room was very clean!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
it was astounded me

an ending
I was freezing!
Not bad day

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