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2009-06-01 06:20:27| 人氣82| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Changed, will ?

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One year, maybe a lots of thing already changed
maybe include PINK, but hopefully is good way,

One year, not long not short,

Now, don’t know why, afraid , the changed.

but, seems like I don’t have to afraid those kind of thing,

because , trust (?!)

PINK you know you can do it ? right.

ohohohohoh,,,,,,, My Birthday Party !! this year will be good XD:

Hope still the same way when I just left,
but I know everything changed,
even just a little bit, still

still love right ? in mind right ?

friends,. still here right ?
tell me yes.

the feeling the care, (never changed?)

台長: 我.就是我,就是pink
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全站分類: 不分類 | 個人分類: This is my way, this is my life. |
此分類下一篇:PIC, make me sad ....
此分類上一篇:One all together. all the thing I said ,

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