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2009-04-25 07:29:53| 人氣142| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

If I can....... Please tell me.

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If I can
please let the time just                
[S T O P]

If I can
please let the time                             
[S T O P]
and tell me what’s going on.

If I can
please tell me
the feeling still the same
and we will never change.

If I can
I want all the money
I want all the time
I want all the smile face
I want all the things....

If I can not.......

please don’t let me cry,
please don’t break my heart,
please don’t let me think I am the person who just care about you.

If I can
give me a wonderful night tomoorow !!!!!!!!!
Prom, should laugh, should smile, should take a lots of pictures.

Who still in my mind ?
Am I still in XXX’s mind, maybe.

台長: 我.就是我,就是pink


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全站分類: 不分類 | 個人分類: This is my way, this is my life. |
此分類下一篇:Detail - Diary.
此分類上一篇:Dear Daughter Rebecca Joy Pink Hsiao Li McCloud

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