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2008-12-05 04:34:27| 人氣43| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

I don’t want OMG

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got a bad sick
and then I got a lot of tests
English Foods US History Math ,.....
oh my goash !!!!!!!!!! OMG

I hate test
and that will be a lot of tests,......

today know something
though a little bit surprise
but, I don’t care
because those are not the important point

I don’t like a lot of HW
but PINK have a lot a lot HW
I need to do so many things
why I can be so busy
why I can be so tired
I don’t want busy I don’t want lazy feeling I don’t want tired I don’t want I don’t want

now, so many thing I need to do
I need to talk about 200 students about the exchange student life
I need to talk long time........
I need to do a lot of HW
I need to do take care of myself
I need to do a lot a lot a lot thing,...

this Saturday will be the exchange X’mas Party
and that will be in our house
just because my host mom is the IEC
so I will be very busy
and then I need to go to another college for the Band
and then 4tests !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

really hope the time can be stop
I need time to relax
I need time to do my own thing
I need time to do the card for my host brother
I also need time to do the card for dear friend in Taiwan
I need to wait for the money and buy the gift for host mom,...

I need money to do many thing
this money I can’t buy anything for myself
this money I can’t buy anything for family
this money I can’t buy anything for friends
this money I can’t do anything I want to do

why why why why why
why so tired
why so poor
why so sad
why not happy
why not smile
why not feel anything in the mind

I want to talk
I want to talk with dear friends,.... in Taiwan
I want to with dear friends when the 2009 coming
I want to be worm
I want not so cold
I want my own foods
I want I want but I can’t

really miss
I want my thing

come back

台長: 我.就是我,就是pink


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