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2008-10-17 09:42:14| 人氣79| 回應1 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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the new thing PINK write

always just talking about the same life

though PINK don’t want these kind of thing

but seems like I just can write this kind of thing


when PINK come back =]

HA" PINK can use my camera =] XDDDDD" and write down =]

somebody said that PINK change

but that is a good change

he said PINK not like a kid =]

!!!!! what ?? PINK like a kid before ???? whatever you are older than me =] HA"

happy =]

in the mind PINK never change =]

dear friends =] PINK still here =] I say


台長: 我.就是我,就是pink
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嗯 這星期充滿了周杰倫

哪一天 我會再去寄信的!
2008-10-18 13:14:23
oh,....I want that CD =[
I know I know =] the whole week XDDD"
I went to your blog XDDDD" so I know that
oh I miss you so much,
how is you day ??? good?? I think still busy
oh,next Saturday I will go to the "Moll of American"that is the biggest moll in US
and that is also the 3th big moll in the world,next Month 14-16 I will go to Chicago
and then next next month
I will be very very busy
because that is X'mas you know
oh,so many thing really want to talk
waiting for the second letter =]
2008-10-19 08:39:44
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