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2008-09-30 03:29:17| 人氣52| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

happy time

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happy time is

when you get to school more earlly and then you can use the computer in the LIB

and another happy time is study hall

you also can use the computer in the LIB

and the finally happy time is the 9th class you can go home

and then

stay at your room

or talking with your host mom,dad about the school life

and then stay at your room

do HW or write some thing that you want to talk but you don’t know how to say in Eng

and then you help your host mom for dinner

that is a happy time

and then you help your host mom and then ,....

eating =]

and ,,.......wash the dishes ,....

take a bath ,....

use the dear cmputer again ,....



台長: 我.就是我,就是pink


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