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2007-04-03 21:29:37| 人氣72| 回應1 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

 °ヾ  7 years and 50 days  ▫°

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7 years and 50 days the time is passing by
nothing in this world could be, as nice as you and I
and how could we break up like this?
and how could we be wrong?
so many years, so many days
and I still sing my song

now i run to you, like i always do
when i close my eyes, i think of you
such a lonely girl, such a lonely world
when i close my eyes, i dream
i return to you, like i always do
when i close my eyes, i think of you
such a lonely girl, such a lonely world
when i close my eyes i dream - of you

7 years and 50 days, now just look at me
another girl like use to be
so damn what do you see?
and how could we break up like this?
and how could we be wrong?
so many years so many days
and I still sing my song

now i run to you, like i always do
when i close my eyes, i think of you
such a lonely girl, such a lonely world
when i close my eyes, i dream
i return to you, like i always do
when i close my eyes, i think of you
such a lonely girl, such a lonely world
when i close my eyes i dream - of you

7 years and 50 days the time is passing by
nothing in this world could be, as nice as you and I
and how could we break up like this?
and how could we be wrong?
so many years so many days
and I still sing my song

now i run to you, like i always do
when i close my eyes, i think of you
such a lonely girl, such a lonely world
when i close my eyes, i dream
i return to you, like i always do
when i close my eyes, i think of you
such a lonely girl, such a lonely world
when i close my eyes i dream - of you


台長: 騷妞 //* 狐狸金 ܤ°
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全站分類: 不分類 | 個人分類: ゞ 歌詞文章分享一下 .. )) * |
此分類下一篇: ((   記得愛 ,,
此分類上一篇: °ヾ  相見恨晚  ▫°

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2007-04-05 00:25:56
2007-04-11 09:14:23
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