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2006-02-24 02:43:52| 人氣54| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Daily feelins

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I am very happy today~Mum...no. I am very emotional today~!!!!RIGHT.
First,the prof. said I was talking in the class.But, I really didn’t do it!!!Why did you say that~!!!!I kept sinace very much~!!!!!!
Then, I am very unhappy...So, I call Lon to go out with me when after school.
When I chated with him, I think I’m not really understand him...
I really love him. So I will try my best to help him.
And then we went to my home. We surfed in the internet and talked something about finaince~
Anyway, I am very happy to day~!!!

台長: 《小雨》
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