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2008-04-15 22:33:46| 人氣59| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Significance in ? !

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For me

All are only a fart

And nothing

Good regretted ˋ good is reluctant to part with

No matter how

The life throughout has wanted

And the cloth can because of a your thought

But has the big change

If may choose

An I rather own person

Does not need any person

Perhaps can be better than the present

Present all are hobbles


This period of time really very much wastes the time

I do not like

Why ? !

Must waste this period of time

The time is the money

Doesn’t know ? !

Wastes great period of time

Turns head thought

And nothing is worth the thing which recollects

The brain is a big piece of blank

Good waste

Truly wants to do actually cannot do

Actually only makes the matter which some does not want to do

Good helpless

台長: 천사 눈물
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