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李秀 Lee Hsiu 的留言板
Abel Lin
留言主題:An Invitation from TCAT
Hi Miss Li,

My Name is Abel and I am an assistant for Taiwanese Canadian Association of Toronto (TCAT).
TCAT has been a partner of TAIWANfest for several years and this year, we will be presenting an Artisan Fair to feature local artisans with connections with Taiwan. Would yourself be interested in participating in this event? It is the 25th anniversary of TAIWANfest in Vancouver and the 40th anniversary for Harbourfront Centre, and we hope to have you join the celebration. We would need to provide the organizer with the following information if you are interested:

- Name
- Contact Number
- E-mail address
- Website with photos of artwork
- Type of art you master
- Your connection with Taiwan (e.g., heritage, artwork related to Taiwan)

We look forward to collaborate and feature your work at not only TAIWANfest, but also other formal exhibitions or shows.

Best Regards

| 2014-05-06 13:53:42

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