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2009-01-24 01:11:54

thank god

   當你說你以後想當農民i knew that we will be happy ever after(hug&kisses)

2009-01-20 22:17:00


日劇情節每天都在上演 本集高潮失心瘋前女友帶著糊掉的黑眼妝闖進房間發狂找人廁所門刷一聲打開發現穿著前男友T恤的女人(完妝)接著再度發狂摔玻璃同時還挾持前男友貓走人 接下來劇情會怎樣發展精彩可期同時令人...

2009-01-07 17:06:24



2008-12-25 04:33:10


當你收到"下次見面幫你按摩太陽穴五百下讓你再也不焦慮 你說貼心吧"by 把自己定位俐落雅痞的胖碩男子 u only met once當你室友說"你在吃我男朋友醋齁""喔 不是啦""你什麼都不用說 我以後一定常常陪你""蛤? 不是啦""你...

2008-12-08 04:55:25

bon soir soir

 sometimes when stay up too late, i would be in a state of euphoria甚至會出現一種正在旅行的新鮮感越來越晚卻是渾身元氣只是月經兩個月沒來是事實(腦容量縮小的事實也是毋容置疑)然後我剛才決定了一件事情刺一...

2008-12-08 02:59:02

love the way you love

太快得意忘形 太快戴上眼鏡 太快顯露情緒 excessive information drives you nut and getting hysterical isnt really an attractive thing 太快陷入無盡鑽牛角尖的泥沼 太快否定自己 and then the fling ...

2008-11-26 20:35:47

numb ?


2008-11-11 21:02:49

y yo yo is my theme song

 and i just can't get it out of my headcause im such a 俗辣雞 在這個濕冷的lonely night只有光頭來叨擾無力地只能按摩太陽穴隔夜的麥片粥怎麼越陳越香有點令人想喝不過貌太似嘔吐物不敢輕易嘗試

2008-10-21 01:24:32

yesterday was a lie

好像這個晚上還很長僅剩的精力一點也沒有揮霍的餘地好像就連抽風機的聲音都快壓垮人了還需要等待多久最後的結果才不會這麼令人洩氣還是說平穩的日子就是非要有人把他搞的一團糟才符合我的人生風格who's sent the ele...

2008-10-19 17:49:27


a:嗯嗯 反正明天放假可以睡很久b:ㄎㄎ (x)c:難得到台南找你玩卻不理我...a:ㄎㄎ(o)love is blindlove can damage your healthyesterday was a lie就連ipod也在警惕我

2008-10-18 03:37:41

 你想毀了一切請便不過請不要再帶著滿臉誠懇出現一下然後又裝死若是吃飽太嫌就請耐心等待某人的回應或是跟會計太太們fooling around那種等待惱人的胃痛瞬間變的極強的邏輯思考令人厭惡的熟悉感昨天的相談甚歡今天有...

2008-10-13 04:54:23

Where is my mind?

過去都還在會在你申請新帳號的時候會在你擰乾毛巾最後一滴水的時候it pushs you over the edge and makes you bursts into tears極限平淡即將乾涸熱情還想要做點努力所以開始密集買眼影結局是發現堅強原來就是這麼一...

2008-10-06 02:04:31


Do memories hinder or help people in their effort to learn from the past and succeed in the present? no, memory corrupts your mind.good ones make you indudge yourself in the past glory or you just cou...

2008-09-22 02:20:13

a tree...or high class prostitute

好像要開始使力氣以免一放鬆身體就會飄到很遠的地方然後炸的四分五裂 i tried my hardest not to be affected by this place where i would never fit in so i dont wanna hear those crab at all 要是吐出來的...

2008-09-13 17:16:27

dig a pit

when will we get rid of the insecuritywhen will we get over it from the bottom of heartsits full of untuned sounds out there that fucks your mindwhen will you stand up to it and built up what is softe...

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