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2019-11-30 23:37:02| 人氣465| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Hoping the sky will guide you home, Godfrey

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When The Darkness Comes

Underneath the echoes
Buried in the shadows
There you were
Drawn into your mystery
I was just beginning
To see your ghost
But you must know

I'll be here waiting
Hoping, praying that
The sky will guide you home
When you're feeling lost I'll leave my love
Hidden in the sun
For when the darkness comes

Now the door is open
The world I knew is broken
There's no return
Now my heart is not scared
Just knowing that you're out there
Watching me so believe

I'll be here waiting
Hoping, praying that
The sky will guide you home
When you're feeling lost I'll leave my love
Hidden in the sun
For when the darkness comes

Be here waiting
Hoping, praying that
The sky will guide you home
When you're feeling lost I'll leave my love
Hidden in the sun
For when the darkness comes

台長: Pauling
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