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2007-11-11 22:09:20| 人氣173| 回應2 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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whatever is in ur mind is something that i really don’t like
you may dont have that confident so u can easy to be satisfy by others positive comments, and...that suppose to be good. because people will think that ur a nice and laughful person and easy to be satisfied by little things.butwhen we’r closer then others i feel that u dont have any thoughts,and sometimes ur being to greedy of those u called ”positive comments”.its like if u tasted something so sweet u’ll definitely want more. when someone said som positives things bout u, great job! u earn it. and its only for that situation !
u cant ask for them !!!! u only accept it!!!!
u have to realize that the commend u’ve asked from someone is not real!!!and people just say it for polite. i feel uncomfortable when u do such a thing like that..
no offence ..but u seems like to be attractive or getting everyones attention .
apparently u want to be some kind of ”funny person” which is impossible to agree u can, and sometimes ur like useing people around u , saying bad comments bout them, but i can understand this one, cuz
we’re girls , its quit natural when girls do such athing like that, but ur sometimes getting too far.
saying someones bad is NOT going to let u be more special!
plus ur totally spoiled!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

anyway, what im trying to say is.. nobody is perfect and
im telling because im ur fd
just try to listen , or better more...fix it

somtims when wr closer we forgot the simple manners
im sorry if ive done somthing wrong or mean to u

read it!

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2007-11-11 23:45:25
2007-11-13 22:09:34


i still love you
2007-11-13 22:06:25
i do too
2007-11-13 22:11:06
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