Finally I got all exam result today.
Honestly I am quite disappointed to my performance owing to the unsatisfied result of accounting. Therefore I didn’t have much hope to the Financial Economics, my major subject.
Two minutes before, I have checked the mark of the major subject and I really got it! 87! Even I haven’t done really well this semester, at least one HD I am able to “store”! It is really wonderful! Since the beginning of first year study, I got at one HD and one D each semester. What I expected the ideal result is that:
Financial Computing Credit
Financial Accounting Distinction
Financial Economics High Distinction
Owing to the underperformance of computing and accounting, I still told myself “that is fine! You did well and better than many other students in Adelaide, even all over the world!”
Come on baby! I am really happy to the HD of Financial Economics because the mark of assignment and test didn’t have the grade of HD! That means the actual mark in final exam exceeds HD!! I did really well in the last day of examination!