考試過後,玩過一晚,便再次平靜下來了。平心而論,這學期沒有那麼用功,但相對地讀的東西亦淺一點,所以成績應該比上次好,(雖然還是怕information system會fail)。剛解決了一直困擾自己的入學問題了﹗終於放下心頭大石了﹗這學期可以正式入讀Adelaide University的second year了,在七月尾開課前,我便要下決定選major subject,如無意外,Corporate Finance會是我的選擇,至於副收科,會以economics為主,再配accounting,便組軍成功了。雖然這不是我心目中的鑽石陣容(我想收的social science沒希望﹗),總算可以接受。
但近幾天發生了很多事,我走在馬路途中,我的眼鏡突然斷開了兩邊,好在我有後備,局住上﹗之後我發現我的digital camera不翼而飛,懷疑是屋中的人愉,但沒辦法,都不知搬不搬﹗快將旅行,才失去了相機,so bad!
每想到兩星期後便可申請大學二年級,便感到很興奮,I can’t believe to be a 2nd year student, in my mind a university student is very talent and mature. But I am not! One more thing I don’t believe that I have to spend only 2 more years than go back in the job market, the happy hour is so short and time goes quickly. Adelaide is my dreamland especially the Kangaroo Island, there are some happiness I am unable to find in the Hong Kong Island or Kowloon Peninsula although I miss them. School life is the best time to enjoy and relax. After the gradation the living style will be totally different~~
零五年已過了一半了,這段時間,都算順利,只是今年的金錢損失特別大,由一部單車、相機、眼鏡,希望~ no more