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2008-04-15 17:46:27| 人氣70| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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How do you describe a feeling? I’ve only ever dreamt of this.
這愛的情愫 難以言喻 但在夢裡 請讓我像你告白

DJ’s spinning up my favorite song,hurry up and get a grove on.
DJ正熱播 愛的主打歌 來吧!請和我一同舞動

Light fantastic and it wont be long, don’t let the moment slip away.
水晶球下 霓虹閃爍 此刻我只想緊抱著你

Cause you and I could find a pleasure, no one else has ever known.
你我心靈相通 無人能取代

Feels like it is now or never, don’t want to be alone
這甜蜜感覺直到永遠 今後別再讓我一人獨舞

How does it feel in my arms? (x2)

Do you want it? Do you need it? Can you feel it? Tell me.
想著你 念著你 依偎著你 告訴我

How does it feel in my arms?
這是專屬你我 愛的抱抱

I’ve only ever dreamt of this.
在夢裡 請讓我向你告白

Got a feeling this is something strong. All I wanna do is move on.
甜蜜的感覺慢慢加溫 我只想全心愛你

No more wondering where I belong. So never go away.
不再孤零失落 因為擁你在身旁


台長: 我叫花田三路^^
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