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2005-02-08 12:39:39| 人氣164| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

about you...

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about your last relationship...
sorry, I can’t tell.
I’m not a part of it,
and we’ve even never talked about it.
but, I absolutely feel out your sadness.
it really makes me worry about your current life...

about you...
sorry, I can’t help.
I’m not YOU.
our values become so different,
though we were so close before.
it did make me be afraid to ask you about your things...

about us...
we call us ”friends” sometimes,
sometimes I don’t think we are anymore.
......truely don’t know how to say,
I’m so sorry.

wanna say sorry to you,
I saw you’re not good right now,
but I just can’t do anything.
I just DO NOT know what can I do.

please accept my so much sorry,
and let me know...
if I am able to help you.

I just can’t stand your irregular life.
extremely wanna see past you again
’cause I’m pretty selfish.
sorry about that...



台長: 深夜上線的Caroline
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