Region : Europe
Country: Finland
Description : COUNTRY: Finland
Saami speak various dialects of the Saami language (in the Finno-Ugric branch of the Uralic language family), and/or the national languages, within northern Norway, Sweden, Finland, and Russia’s Kola Peninsula. Saami were primarily reindeer herders for many centuries. Today, reindeer herding supports about a third of the Saami; most depend on farming, fishing, hunting, and commercial activities.
Outline of World Cultures Code EP04
Probability Sample File
HRAF has both microfiche and electronic files on the Saami. The microfiche file, called Lapps, was issued in 1975 and it has 16 documents with 3,915 pages. The eHRAF file on the Saami, published in 1995 and updating the microfiche file, consists of 23 documents containing 6,998 pages. The time period covered is from 1700 to ca. 1990. See the ’Cultural Summary: Saami’ and the abstract in the citation for each document for more information.
Broader Term: Finland
Publication Information
OCMs: 130 170 190 221 233 820
Document Number: 18
Author: Anderson, Myrdene
Title: Saami ethnoecology: resource management in Norwegian Lapland
Published By: Ann Arbor, Mich.: University Microfilms International, 1978. 3 v. (iii, xxxv, 941 p.): ill., maps
HRAF Publication Information: New Haven, Conn.: HRAF, 1996. Computer File.
Abstract: This study is the result of nearly five years of fieldwork among the Saami of the regions comprising western Finnmark and northern Troms counties in Norway. The primary focus, however, is the GUOV’DAGEAI’DNO (or KAUTOKEINO) area located in Finnmark County, Norway. ’The social organization, folk knowledge, and physiographic factors shaping Saami transactions with the natural environment are systematized for various ethnoecologic domains and examined for patterns underlying the structure, persistence, and change in the classification of knowledge involved in resource management’ (p. i). The work consists of three volumes. Volume I presents the methodology, data on the primary social units of the Saami, life cycle and annual cycle events, daily routine, and temporal factors bearing on ethnoecology. Volume II deals with the concepts of space, its structure and occupation, spatial factors bearing on ethnoecology, and the organization of environmental resources (with much data on native fauna and flora and their utilization), and the social organization of resource management. Volume III consists of four appendices dealing with language, culture history, modern reindeer management (ca. 1971-1976), and GUOV’DAGEAI’DNO and its environs as it exists today (ca.1971-1976).