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2007-04-01 07:56:07| 人氣37| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

﹥A friend

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What’s a friend ? A friend is many things:someone who can share our joys and our sorrows, someone who will laugh at our joys and wipe away our tears, someone who will help us to find succees and overcome failure.
A friend will walk by our side when we are lonely and step aside when we are need to be alone.
A frined is someone we can rely on in good times and bad times someone who is aways there, even when we are miles away.
A friend is someone who will always tell us the truth and wants to hear the truth from us.
A friend is someone who goes around saying nice things about us behind our back.
A friend is someone with whom we can always be ourselves.

打錯別怪我 ˊˋ

台長: ☼Smile


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