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hitchhike 续集

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刚刚收到这么一封 email... 但我要上课,没办法去会他们了...


Dear Yenny, Sunnie and Shiau,

i hope this email will get thru to you, there were some problems on my emailserver in germany. So i`m not sure if you received my last letter yesterday.

We have meet in Cameron Highlands a couple of days ago and had a great time,
and if you would like to see us (Robert & Harald) again and show us your city please write me an email so we can meet each other. I really love to see you again.

BTW i found the exact address of Kuantan where we would stay from tomorrow evening (29.08.2007 until 31.08.07):
It`s the Swiss Garden Hotel Kuantan
Mukim Sungei Karang
Balok Beach
26100 Beserah
Fon: 9 54 47 333

With love
Robert Hermans
Hardterbroicher Stra絽 216
41065 M霵chengladbach
Tel. +49 - 2161 / 91000
Fax. +49 - 2161 / 180887

台長: 绿 色 小 精 灵
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