---------------------------these days
i'm graduating this thursday...
and i have a ticket on 6/27 which is next monday morning 01:00.
Anna is coming on thurday after my graduation~
hahaha and same as me going back at sunday night.
well~ haven't get my laptop back yet so i'm using Hauwei(home bro.)'s computer~
--------------------------- Summer Schedule
my cousins(Emma and Alex) and I are going to visit their grandparents(Nana and Petter) which live in Thailand on July 3th for a week.
So after i had stay in Taiwan for about 6 days i'll going to Thailand for a week. after that i'll have another 4 days trip to HongKong w/ mommi cuz she her works plus i need to buy my franchhorn muse(sp?) in hongkong too (and plus for fun and shopping!).
I might be back to taiwan from hongkong at 7/14...
and probibly go back to Calif. at August tenish....
so that's my schedule!!!
pretty exciting huh?
6/27 Seattle -> Taipei
7/3 Taopei -> Thailand
7/10 Thaoland -> HongKong
7/14 HongKong -> Taipei
8/10ish Taipei -> California
--------------------------- Old Shool Stufffffffff.....
I was thinkin about meeting Amber and other ppl this summer... i don't know if it's gonna work out or not.... = =
it's kind of a hard work....
the last time I was talking w/ Lyd about the school issue... she finally decided to get out of wego...
if this is still what she wants.... YEAHHHHHHHH
feel GE
WWWWD for her la....
of well it's not my issue but i just feel exciting to see her walking in another school instead of Wego....
OH WELL.... can't wait to see them..
they're hard working 9th grader right now!!! (well... almost okay?)
--------------------------- SAG HALIE = Saghalie Middle School
this is the last week i stay in this freaking SCHOOL!!!!!!!
i'm glad....
today they handed out the year book!!! hahahahahaha
i like the inside better than the cover...
but is not that bad though...
in band we were all going to Choir room and asked other ppl to sign it!!!
i had hecka ppl signed in my year book!!! hahaha
TOMY CHU (this guy has same last name as my mom!!!!)wrote
" Hey EMILY! thanx for letting me coppy the history works!!"
at first I was like... "WHAT??? DID I??? "
and then at the end he wrote... SIKE... J/K...
= = what the...
and all the friends i met this year signed too....
chas, josh, sean, rachlle, janet, tomy, jinnah, tai, tiana, amanda, chenelle, allen, cj, colin, antlee...... etc...
but they are all in Band and Choir though.. imma let othere ppl in my first, second, third and fourth period sign it too!!!
hahaha it'll be all messy!!!
too much for that....
---------------------------- lub the Changs!!!
hahaha i love the Changs!!!!
Hauwei, Dale, Mom, and Joy!!!
okay... and daddy Chang too.....
Hauwei's music is soooooooooo awesome!!!!!!!!
i should show it online someday...
hope Dale is going to get marry soon!!!!!!!
-----------------------------Miss Chiou a LOT
my babby PUPPY... (okay... you're a little old... but i still wanna call you puppy!!!!!!!)
love you and miss you the MOST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!