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Rei fu

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在Death and Strawberry上聽到Life is like a boat
Rei fu 唱的 所以找了一點資料:

19歲,出生於東京,目前正於英國倫敦藝術大學求學的Rie Fu,由於自小居住在美國的麻里蘭州,在耳濡目染之下,深受當地的美國流行音樂與聖歌影響。回國後,仍對音樂懷抱夢想的她,靠著幼時習得的鋼琴與初學的吉他,錄製了DEMO,向各大唱片公司毛遂自薦,終於獲得了日本新力音樂的青睞,正式出道。

自然清新的嗓音,是Rie fu她所擁有的魅力,透過她的嗓音,坦率地將英語和日語作最自然的混合,自然地唱出一首首具有濃厚「古早味」的旋律,正是她個人的特色所在。懷念中帶有創新,這樣的想法或許矛盾,但她的曲子卻能讓人輕易理解她的用意。

第一張單曲「Rie who!?」於今年的3月24日推出,第一首歌曲「decay」、「Beautiful Words」都是快節奏的旋律曲調,「ツキノウエ」(月之巔)則是一首英式抒情風格曲,在推出之後即受到矚目。

9月23日推出的「Life is Like a Boat」則是她個人的第二張單曲。在淡淡的旋律中,輕鬆地描繪著英國式的優雅與閒情逸致,相當動聽。

Hi it's Rie. I really don't know how I got here to this point where I'm having such thing as my own website! It started 2 yrs ago, when my brother got a guitar for his music test at school. I tried playing some cords, and then melody came out. At that time I was preparing to get in to college, so I had all these frustrations. And I would always write down those thoughts and it was like a therapy to me. And music became therapy for me, letting all those frustrations out. One song came out after another. In the beginning of this year I wrote a crappy self-introduction essay thing that went out to record labels. It was about creatures living in the back of my neck and behind my knees, which might have given the impression that I was some kind of freak, but it's just like that. I'm nothing but a freak, really, and that's how these creatures crawl out of me as songs. My songs are not something that I make, but it's born and something really natural and genuine. When I think about all the other talented people who are struggling to get a record deal. I'm like, what the hell am I doing here? And all the words in the world can't express how thankful I am to be given this amazing opportunity to be able to deliver my songs to many people. Although it sounds so natural for me, I know that many people are working hard to promote Rie fu. I don't wanna be a singer who sings up there, but a really down to earth singer, with the same point of view as the listener. I wanna bring it back where music was genuinely music, not about squeaky voices.
But it's funny, how when I'm in London, I see things I never noticed when I lived in Japan. The distance between my home country and I seemed to have gotten closer, because now I see what a good country Japan is!! And how I miss my family & friends, how precious it is to have a home, gratitude towards all the palm beach people grew love you all!

(Rei 寫給歌迷的)


(註: Death and Strawberry_ http://deathberry.blogspot.com/)

台長: Em
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全站分類: 音樂賞析(音樂情報、樂評、歌詞、MV)

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