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2007-02-04 14:00:10| 人氣49| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Proud Of You

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Proud Of You (揮著翅膀的女孩)
○詞:Anders 編曲:陳光榮 唱:Fiona Fung
    Proud Of You
Love in your eyes ,
Sitting silent by my side ;
Going on Holding hand ,
Walking through the nights,
Hold me up Hold me tight ,
Lift me up to touch the sky !
Teaching me to love with heart ,
Helping me open my mind ! 
I can fly !
I’m proud that I can fly !
To give the best of mine ,
Till the end of the time .
Believe me I can fly !
I’m proud that I can fly !
To give the best of mine ,
The heaven in the sky . 
Stars in the sky ,
Wishing once upon a time ,
Give me love Make me smile ,
Till the end of life . 
Hold me up Hold me tight !
Lift me up to touch the sky !
Teaching me to love with heart ,
Helping me open my mind ! 
I can fly !
I’m proud that I can fly .
To give the best of mine ,
Till the end of the time . 
Believe me I can fly !
I’m proud that I can fly !
To give the best of mine ,
The heaven in the sky .
Can’t you believe ,
that you light up my way ,
No matter how ,
that ease my path ,
I’ll never lose my faith . 
See me fly ,
I’m proud to fly up high ,
Show you the best of mine ,
Till the end of the time .
Believe me I can fly !
I’m singing in the sky ,
Show you the best of mine ,
The heaven in the sky .

Nothing can stop me ,
Spread my wings
so wide .

台長: =)阿任。
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