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2008-06-26 01:40:25| 人氣42| 回應2 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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I’m always think about us
What if we all wrong about each other
What if we should belong to each other

If I’m always waiting there are a perfact woman for me in the future
,but after I have seen all the time finally found that you are the perfact woman for me, and what should I do at that time?

Just now, I don’t know that I love you or not? so if I want you back, that’s only because I need you fill my lonely heart and time. and that will hurt you again! And I don’t want, too.

So just forgive me never call you again
and I just miss you when I suddenly think we should belong each other, why do we miss?

台長: saysomething
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