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2006-05-22 14:35:17| 人氣200| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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Enjoy Learning

I remember that was in 2002 when I began to study spoken English by myself.Time flied,after three years,sometimes when I was on line and into the room "Chat in English", Actually somebody think of me as foreigner(blush^^).So I think I have got something.It’s worth me to spend the time for study.

At the beginning of summer in 2006,I was so lucky to meet a new friend Pyo jin hwa,from korea.Pyo is studying Chinese and English.And I want to learn Korean from her.So we haved a deal to learn from each other.Today,I learned two Korean words "나는 당신을 사랑합니다"and"감사합니다",they mean "I love you"and "thank you".I found it’s funny and not difficult.

Maybe somebody would have some questions:"why do you study so much?are they useful for your work?and are you really have much free time?"I say:I really don’t know why.and it’s really useless for my work,and I am completely a busy man.but I am interested in communicating with different people,that’s all.And I have confidence to do something good what is not easy for everyone,why not?

Is there anyone clapping for me?

台長: sam
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