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夜風雪-心情小語(自創) 文章數:1546
忘記 Give yourself a happy mood Forget the troubles and sorrows 給自己一個快樂的心情 忘記煩惱... (詳全文)
發表時間:2021-09-26 23:32:30 | 回應:0
很重要 Take a vacation for your own mind Actually it's very important to ourselves 為自己的... (詳全文)
發表時間:2021-09-26 23:32:01 | 回應:0
走出來 Divert attention Let yourself slowly come out of the confusion 轉移注意力 讓自己慢慢... (詳全文)
發表時間:2021-09-26 23:27:58 | 回應:0
煩惱 Be kind to yourself Never have trouble with yourself 善待自己 永遠不要為自己煩惱 ... (詳全文)
發表時間:2021-09-26 23:27:13 | 回應:0
燦爛 You face life with a smile Life will give you a bright smile 你微笑著面對生活 生活會給你... (詳全文)
發表時間:2021-09-26 23:26:56 | 回應:0
平復 In fact, no matter how unsatisfactory is in my heart Learn to calm one's mood 其實... (詳全文)
發表時間:2021-09-26 23:26:15 | 回應:0
每一天 Don’t make it difficult for yourself Let yourself be easy every day 不要為難自... (詳全文)
發表時間:2021-09-26 23:25:46 | 回應:0
總會有 Life is always a drama But there will always be a lot of grievances in life Speakin... (詳全文)
發表時間:2021-09-22 17:50:32 | 回應:0
沖淡 Time will gradually dilute your waywardness and past events 時間會慢慢沖淡你的任性和往事 ... (詳全文)
發表時間:2021-09-22 17:50:08 | 回應:0
去珍惜 There are too many things for you to do There are very important people waiting for you... (詳全文)
發表時間:2021-09-22 17:49:29 | 回應:0
好好生活 Life is so short, there is no reason not to live a good life 人生苦短,沒有理由不好... (詳全文)
發表時間:2021-09-22 17:48:59 | 回應:0
憤怒 Learn to converge Learn to introspect Don't take your anger to others 學會收斂 學... (詳全文)
發表時間:2021-09-22 17:48:21 | 回應:0
爆發 Don't use your willfulness to challenge the other's patience The best temper also explodes... (詳全文)
發表時間:2021-09-22 17:43:17 | 回應:0
方向 Watching the direction of the heart Smiling, living, enjoying 看著心的方向 微笑,生活,... (詳全文)
發表時間:2021-09-22 17:42:42 | 回應:0
沒找到 Cherish the present life Happiness is always by your side It's just you I didn't find it... (詳全文)
發表時間:2021-09-22 17:42:16 | 回應:0
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