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夜風雪-心情小語(自創) 文章數:1546
聽取 Arrogant people, Do not like to hear the views of others.---Night 傲慢的人, 都不喜歡聽取他人的意見... (詳全文)
發表時間:2015-12-01 04:24:10 | 回應:0
包容。溝通。擁有 Learn tolerance, Know how to communicate, To cherish have. I, still learning.--- Nigh... (詳全文)
發表時間:2015-11-27 03:14:34 | 回應:0
愛。長久 Cherish the love, Learn to love, Love can last long.--- Night 珍惜愛, 理解愛, 愛才能長久... (詳全文)
發表時間:2015-11-27 03:12:45 | 回應:0
愛。溝通 Love, We need careful to communicate.--- Night 愛, 需要用心去溝通。---夜風雪 (詳全文)
發表時間:2015-11-27 03:11:31 | 回應:0
忘記 Anguish and grief, Do not think too much, Forgetting is joy.--- Night 苦惱和悲痛, 別想了太多, ... (詳全文)
發表時間:2015-11-27 03:10:19 | 回應:0
心情。幸福 Mood, happy. Love, cherish. Hugs, happiness.--- Night 心情,快樂; 愛,珍惜; 擁抱,幸福。... (詳全文)
發表時間:2015-11-27 03:08:17 | 回應:0
珍惜 Present and future life, Cherish it.--- Night 人生今世,好好珍惜。---夜風雪 (詳全文)
發表時間:2015-11-27 03:07:05 | 回應:0
舒緩 Wound pain, To soothe good, Not to be ignored.--- Night 傷口疼痛, 要好好的舒緩, 不要去忽視。-... (詳全文)
發表時間:2015-11-27 03:05:53 | 回應:0
深情的擁抱 Give a loving hug, A warm rely.--- Night 給一個深情的擁抱, 一個溫暖的依靠。---夜風雪 (詳全文)
發表時間:2015-11-27 03:04:34 | 回應:0
暖的呵護 Give your family and friends, A warm care of it!--- Night 讓您的家人和朋友, 一個溫暖的呵護吧!... (詳全文)
發表時間:2015-11-27 03:02:13 | 回應:0
懂你 In fact, Happiness is someone to understand you.--- Night 其實, 幸福就是有人懂你。---夜風雪 (詳全文)
發表時間:2015-11-27 03:00:51 | 回應:0
動 You do not move, I do not move, Time is still turning.---Night 你不動, 我不動, 時間照樣在轉動。... (詳全文)
發表時間:2015-11-21 03:26:32 | 回應:0
忘記 Busy people, It is easy to forget time, Forget the rest easier.---Night 忙碌的人, 很容易忘記時間... (詳全文)
發表時間:2015-11-21 03:25:03 | 回應:0
能 Time can treat sadness, Also can dilute the pain.---Night 時間能治療悲傷, 同樣也能沖淡傷痛。---夜... (詳全文)
發表時間:2015-11-21 03:23:57 | 回應:0
善用 Make good use of time, Time to become friends. Does not make good use of time, The time will be t... (詳全文)
發表時間:2015-11-21 03:22:22 | 回應:0
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