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2022-11-23 01:59:54


《尊重》《以誠待人》《淨化他人》《需要》《混亂》 《尊重》 A polite person is delighted by everyone A reasonable person is respected by everyone 一個有禮貌的人,每個人都喜歡 一...

2022-11-23 01:59:05


《成功》《人氣》《人格》《準則》《表現》 《成功》 If you want to be happy yourself, you must first make others happy To be successful yourself, you must first see others succeed ...

2022-11-23 01:58:25


《關愛》《正常的心》《性格》《照顧好自己》《權利》 《關愛》 It is not authoritarianism that can elevate one's character, but loving care 提升人品的不是專制,而是關愛 《...

2022-11-23 01:57:04


《氣質》《責任》《保護自己》《知足常樂》《習慣》 《氣質》 The real beauty lies in the dignified figure and the elegant temperament 真正的美在於端莊的身材和優雅的氣質 《責...

2022-11-23 01:56:24


《淨化一切》《淨化心靈》《擁有》《語言》《勇往直前》 《淨化一切》 A sincere expression of selfless love can purify everything 真誠無私的愛可以淨化一切 《淨化心靈》 The ...

2022-10-30 00:11:42


《無私》《犯錯》《學習的對象》《必須》《盡力而為》 《無私》 Believe in yourself and selflessness Believe in love for everyone 相信自己和無私 相信對每個人的愛 《犯錯》 Li...

2022-10-30 00:10:32


《向上提升》《志向》《基礎》《孝道》《淨土》 《向上提升》 Material life should be compared downward And personality and morality should be improved upward 物質生活應該往下比較 人...

2022-10-30 00:08:48


《珍惜空間》《自信心》《平安》《心燈》《昇華》 《珍惜空間》 Grasp time and cherish space People should be grateful, respected and loved 把握時間珍惜空間 人們應該感恩、尊重和愛戴 ...

2022-10-30 00:07:52


《放不下》《和諧的》《惹事生非》《知足》《認真說》 《放不下》 Life and death are not scary What I am afraid of is not being able to see the world and letting go of oneself 生死都不...

2022-10-30 00:03:09


《行動》《接近目標》《重任》《意識》《降低》 《行動》 Walk the right path Walk the right door And express your inner righteous thoughts with external actions 走正確的路 走正確的門...

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